This page is created for users of www.synchro-diffusion.com website

Here you will find answers to the most frequently asked questions about using this website, as well as the steps to take in the event of any problems.

Once you are logged in to you customer account, you can retrieve you invoices and creditmemo via the "Shortcuts" availables on homepage or via the "Dashboard".

Via the "Shortcuts" :

  1. Go to the Homepage
  2. Navigate to "Your shortcuts" part 
  3. Clic on Invoices shortcut

Via the main menu "Customer space" :

  1. Clic on your company name on top right of the website
  2. Go to My dashboard tab
  3. Clic on My invoices/creditmemo tab which is on the left menu of your customer space

If you lose your password, don't hesitate to request a new password using the e-mail address attached to your account. 

You can create a new password by clicking on the link above or via the "Reset my password" link below the login form.

There could be a number of reasons for this incident. Here are a few things you can do to make sure you haven't received the password reset email: 

  1. Make sure that the e-mail address you enter is the one associated with your Synchro Diffusion customer account.
  2. Check your inbox for spam
  3. Search for "Reset your Synchro Diffusion password" in your inbox search bar.

If you are still unable to find the e-mail you are looking for, please do not hesitate to contact us using our contact form, specifying your customer account number and contact details.

To make a return to the after-sales service or report a delivery dispute, you can use the contact form, selecting the appropriate object. 

Choose "After-sales service or delivery dispute" as the subject of your message

- If you are requesting an after-sales service return: you must provide the reference number of the item concerned, as well as the reason for the after-sales service return.

- If there is a delivery dispute: you must enter the order number and/or the item concerned, as well as the reason for the dispute (e.g. "923200: X units missing; 938200 X units damaged...).